Following are the procedure and requirements to obtain driving license in Islamabad

Requiements :

Note : Applicants who are going to visit the Police Facilitation Centre F-6 are required to bring Form-B with them that day. Applicants who visit the F-8 Office, on the other hand, will be subjected to an examination by an official working within the organization; hence, they will not be required to carry Form B with them.

Procedure to get Learner Permit :

Procedure to get Permanent Driving License  :

Process of Theory Test Through Touchscreen :

Driving License Fee Schedule :

According to the official website of ITP, here is the fee schedule of driving license which you must deposit in National Bank.

In order to renew your driving license an appointment can be scheduled via the website of the traffic police. But the online portal only gives out a certain number of appointments every day, and the walk-in token method is the other way to do it.

Procedure :

Required Documents :

Required Documents: